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Victor Floor Care Machines are built to stand the test of time, with over 70+ years of knowledge, you can be confident when purchasing any of the Victor Machines. To this day all of Victor’s core range of machines are manufactured in the UK and its components are sourced locally where possible. Quality of products is guaranteed, controlled, and managed, but this isn’t the only benefit we can provide short lead times, reduce the vulnerability of supply chain and risk of disruption and we also reduce our carbon footprint.

Victor products conform to British Standards and meet the very latest EU industry standard. The Victor Vacuum cleaners deliver HEPA13 standards, typically demanded in healthcare environments of filtration down to 0.3 microns at 99.9984% efficiency and exceed IEC60312.

Browse the entire range of Victor products, from burnishing machines, buffer machines, sweepers, misters, HEPA vacuums and more. With JanSan you can be 100% guaranteed to purchase a quality product that is robust and durable and will stand the test of time.